Icelandic Tattoo

Created by Kim 2 months ago

Griff, I will forever be grateful that you took on one of Ruth's wishes for a "Viking" tattoo.  When Ruth was gravely ill in hospital, she said when she was home and well enough she would get a Viking themed tattoo.  Sadly, she never had the chance to fulfil her wish and I was most concerned that it would fall to me to take this on, in her memory.  However, before I could voice my opinion, you firmly said that you would get this tattoo done, as soon as possible.  Your chose the Icelandic Vegvisir (way finder, ensuring one doesn't lose their way).  Not long after Ruth's passing, you proudly sent me a photo of the said tattoo.  Ruth would have grinned and giggled at this sight - she would definintely have approved.  


